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Privacy statement

Through this privacy statement Matchmark B.V. informs you about what personal data we collect, how we obtain this personal data and for what purpose these personal data are processed and used. Furthermore, we ensure that your personal data are treated confidentially and that your personal data is properly protected and secured.

Our company details
Matchmark B.V. is responsible for the content and implementation of this privacy statement. Our company details are as follows:

Matchmark B.V.
Herengracht 142
1015 BW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Dutch Chamber of Commerce registration number: 34125214
Telephone number: +31206260408

Purpose of data processing
We process and use your personal data solely for the purpose of providing our services and carrying out our work within the framework of our services, including the administrative handling of our services.

Collecting of data
We only process and use the personal data which you provide us and are necessary in carrying out our work within the framework of our services. The personal data can be provided via our general email address on our website, via one of our personal email addresses, via one of our personal mobile telephone numbers (including via SMS and/or Whatsapp), via our telephone number +31206260408 and/or via our fax number +31206260709.

Providing data to third parties
We will not provide your personal data to third parties without your prior explicit consent, unless we are obliged to do so by virtue of laws and regulations and/or as a result of legal proceedings.

Storage of data
We keep your personal data as long as this is necessary in carrying out our work within the framework of our services.

Website Matchmark (cookies en other technologies)
We currently do not use cookies or other technologies on our website to collect personal data about visitors to our website. The only personal data that we currently collect through our website are the personal data that are voluntarily provided to us via our general email address on our website. We do, however, collect non-identifiable technical information about visitors to our website in order to optimize the management and use of our website.

Third party websites
Our website contains links to third party websites. These websites may use a different privacy policy. We are not responsible for the privacy policy of these third party websites and therefore our privacy statement does not apply to these third party websites.

Data security
We ensure that your personal data is treated confidentially and that your personal data are properly protected and secured.

Own data and rights
You have the right to view, correct, remove or take the personal data you have provided to us or that we have collected. You also have the right to withdraw or add the permission you have granted us.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement.

Questions, comments or complaints
Should you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding our privacy statement or the way we handle your personal data, you can contact us via our general email address or via our telephone number +31206260408.

We will try to respond to your question, comment or complaint within a reasonable period of no more than four weeks.

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Matchmark, match mark, Globrands, registered trademark