Matchmark - TM, trademark
Matchmark - ademarks, brand name
Matchmark - trademark protection
Matchmark - trademark registration, trademark advice
Matchmark - trademark office, trademark registration
Matchmark - trademark application, domain name
Matchmark - trademark search, domain name registration
Matchmark - trade name registration, trademark law
Matchmark - trademark watch, Benelux trademark registration
Matchmark - EU trademark, EU registration
Matchmark - EU trademark registration
Matchmark - international trademark registration
Matchmark - design registration, design agency
Matchmark - trademark creation, brand name creation
Matchmark - name creation, brand name development
Matchmark - name development, brand naming
Matchmark - trademark registration, trademark infringement
Matchmark - design infringement, domain name infringement
Matchmark - logo registration, intellectual property rights
Matchmark - intellectual property
Matchmark - design rights, trademark law
Matchmark - refusal trademark registration
Matchmark - European trademark registration
Matchmark - protection of trademarks

Optimal brand protection

Brands represent great economic value. For optimal brand protection, it is very important that the signs that distinguish your goods and/or services from those of others are protected in the right way.

Matchmark is a trademark agency specialized in all facets of the protection of (brand) names and in the legal guidance of the creative naming process in the development, creation and introduction of new (brand) names. We also advise on the protection of designs, copyrights, domain names and company names (trade names) and we mediate in resolving conflicts in the field of intellectual property.

We manage brand portfolios of various companies, organizations and other parties and represent your interests worldwide through an international network of agents.

Link to Brand protection

Direct and personal contact

Direct and personal contact with you is the basis of our services. We always strive for a clear and above all practical advice. This allows you to make a well-considered decision about the protection of your brands. After registration, we will keep you informed of the status of your brand portfolio by means of periodical overviews. We can also have your brands watched. Furthermore, you can always contact us to put something to us without charging you directly for this.



We often work together with agencies in the field of (brand) name creation and naming. This gives us the opportunity to also assist you in developing a new (brand) name. We also have good contacts in the legal profession to help you further with any conflict situation. Matchmark is member of the BMM (the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law).

Matchmark, match mark, Globrands, registered trademark