TM, trademark, brand name, trademark protection, trademarks
EU trademark registration, protection of trademarks, trademark registration
trademark advice, intellectual property, trademark office, trademark registration
trademark application, domain name, trademark search, domain name registration
trade name registration, trademark law, trademark watch, Benelux trademark registration


Matchmark was founded at the end of 1999 a few days before the turn of the millennium by Boudewijn Groen and Misja Nijhuis. Not only is Matchmark a traditional trademark agency, but since its foundation we also have a strong focus on the legal guidance of the creative naming process in the development, creation and introduction of new (brand) names.

Link to Brand protection

Boudewijn Groen

After completing law school at Leiden University, Boudewijn Groen started his career at trademark agency Intermark and founded afterwards together with his then colleague Misja Nijhuis trademark agency Matchmark. Boudewijn Groen is a member of the BMM (the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law) and a BMM Certified Trademark Attorney (BMM Erkend Merkengemachtigde) and an EUIPO professional representative.

Boudewijn Groen:

Misja Nijhuis

Misja Nijhuis started his career at trademark agency Intermark after completing law school at the University of Amsterdam. A few years later he founded together with his then colleague Boudewijn Groen trademark agency Matchmark. Misja Nijhuis is a member of the BMM (the Benelux Association of Trademark and Design Law) and a BMM Certified Trademark Attorney (BMM Erkend Merkengemachtigde) and an EUIPO professional representative.

Misja Nijhuis:

Matchmark, match mark, Globrands, registered trademark